Your Next 6 Figures [Instant Access]
With Natasha Bray

Are you ready to unlock your next 6 figure year / month / launch in your business…with a lot more EASE?! 

Meet the 5 Success Saboteurs™& the Receiving Wounds™ my clients have healed to unlock their next 6 figure year, month or launch in record time.

(You’ll never want to live without my HeartHealing after this experience 😉 )


I’m Natasha Bray

A Multi 7 Figure Success Mastery Coach, Master HeartHealer & Business & Spiritual Mentor to high achieving women in business. I am also a cash millionaire and I believe more RICH women in the world will make the world a better place for us and for our future generations. I have made millions helping other women make millions. 

My first 6 figure year in business was in 2018. Since then I have received six figure launches, six figure weeks, and even 6 figures in 48 hours. I have consecutively received between $100k-500k each month for almost 2.5 years now. Completely unexpectedly. 

My clients have unlocked their 6 figure years, 6 figure launches, 6 figure months (and even 6 figure DAYS and 7 figure months) working with me, repeatedly. And NOT through another strategy…

I have cracked the 6 figure code for me AND for my clients. And now I want to show you how to unlock Your Next 6 Figures - in a different way to the normal strategies and tactics out there. A way that will radically transform your relationship with money & sales better than any money blocks course or business coach can. 

You see, ‘business strategy’ or ‘money mindset’ is the slower path to Your Next 6 Figures. You need to BECOME the woman who is able to receive and hold it. Otherwise it will come flying in and flying straight back out again and you will be right back to square one. 

And that’s where I come in…

Join today and receive instant access to reveal Your Next 6 Figures - MONTH, Year or Launch (or possibly even CLIENT). 


So what could it look like for you? 

It all depends where you are already in your business. This ‘work’ works for you whether you are currently just earning a few thousands a month or even a few hundred thousand a month. 

You will leave with a deeper understanding of yourself and all of the ways you are stopping yourself receiving your next 6 figures and exactly HOW to change that.

Imagine you could...

Have a deep insight into the hidden psychological and emotional reasons it isn’t happening (yet!) that nobody else has had the expertise to show you, triggering BIG transformation in your energy and how you show up in your business?

Experience mind, heart, soul and energy shifts so big that you dramatically shift your relationship with money, marketing and sales in just 9 days and finally take powerful action on those tens of thousands you have already spent learning strategies with other coaches. Let it rain money!

Uncover the internal and external ‘secrets’ to sustainable 6 figure growth and leaps on repeat without the hustle, sabotage or hard work. No one - hit - wonders here!

Completely expand your capacity to receive more money, more sales and more clients, and experience the business you actually came into business for.

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Your Next 6 Figures is possible for you too!

What’s different about it? 

You’ll get access to some of my innovative transformational work my clients usually pay thousands for, including a peek into my Uplevel Unveiling process that blows my clients minds and gives them dramatic shifts they report as deeper than any 1:1 they have done elsewhere (and some juicy new stuff I have never shared before!) as well as the real behind-the-scenes of exactly how I receive and hold this level of wealth and how I help my clients do the same. 

This is NOT content or training you can get from anyone else, it’s completely unique to me. It works for you, whatever business you have. 

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What's Included...

Instant access to reveal Your Next 6 Figures at rapid speed!
Combining both practical and magical for an unforgettable experience.

  • 7 modules of instant access pre-recorded workshops that will take you on a journey of unveilling and transforming the 5 Success Saboteurs blocking your next 6 figure year, month or launch.
  • Deep insight and understanding into what is currently standing in the way of Your Next 6 Figures as I take you deeper into the Success Saboteurs than I have ever done before - this will blow your mind.
  • The energetic & strategic foundations of Your Next 6 Figures so you know HOW to achieve it and HOW to receive it without your business crashing down again.
  • A sneak peek into a 6 figure specific HeartHealing Activation session that will unveil a hidden block to your next 6 figures and imprint 6 figure success into your mind, heart, soul and energy for maximum manifestation in rapid time. It also opens your heart to receiving more money (more powerful than any money mindset work you have done).Your action plan for how to receive and achieve Your Next 6 Figures

The shifts you will experience will be visible - not just in your business, but in every relationship in your life (especially your relationship with money). 

Further Results .....

Stacy Scott
Natasha Hall
Kate Smith

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