Let's co-create magic and mastery

I know you. You are a high achiever and rising leader who has achieved some success in life, but you know you haven’t fully tapped into the potential within you.

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You deserve deeper love and connection with your partner and children. You deserve to feel so in love with your business that it never feels like work. You deserve to be seen and recognised for all of your gifts. You deserve to feel supported and guided by the Universe. And you absolutely deserve to receive and impact the millions you are here for - and I am here to help you get it.

You see, I’ve been where you are now, hustling to reach the income goals, not being present with my loved ones, sabotaging myself or my relationships every time I reached a big income month or launch.Having no time to enjoy the success I had built.

I know what it’s like to feel like ‘having it all’ is just not possible for me. I also know what it’s like to compare yourself to others hitting multi-5 or even six figure months and feeling like they have something you don't. Psst.- they don't!

I know you, because I was you.

I also know it doesn’t have to be as difficult for you as it was for me.

Let me shortcut your journey to Success Mastery

That ‘more’ that you want? It doesn’t come from another strategy or remortgaging your house to pay for the best business coach. It comes from healing the hidden wounds of your heart that are causing you to sabotage your success. These inner wounds are at the root of your Success Saboteur Archetypes.

When you are ready to swap the hard work for the heart work, that needle will move faster than any strategy can make it move (says the woman who grew a business in a new niche to consistent six figure months organically in 2.5 years!).

Natasha Leigh Bray - Work with me
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I have something crazy to say to you that I wish I had found out sooner on my business journey - you don’t need to do more to receive more. I know, mindblowing, right? It goes against everything we were ever made to believe growing up about working harder to be more successful.

Everything is possible for you

Whether you need help breaking through to your first 5 figure month, multi-5 figure month, 6 figure month or best launch ever, I can help you unlock the hidden potential for more that is already within you.

In my world:

You get to be spiritual and rich.

You get to be wealthy and happy.

You get to be loved and successful.

You get to be a mother and a leader.

You get to impact millions and make millions.

You get to be whole and hungry for more.

Using my revolutionary transformational healing approach called Success Imprinting™ I will take you through the Five Levels of Healing needed to soothe your Success Saboteurs and wounds beneath them so you can receive, achieve and hold more.

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    Level 1: Mind Healing

    Uncovering and transforming your beliefs on a conscious and subconscious level so that you truly believe in yourself and your capabilities like never before 

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    Level 2: Heart Healing

    Releasing buried emotions that are stunting your success and healing key life relationships you had no idea were holding you back so that you love, trust, and believe in yourself and feel free to be who you really are

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    Level 3: SOUL Healing

    Integrating parts of the soul that fragment off when we experience trauma or wounding so we feel whole again.

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    Level 4: Energy Healing

    Balancing and unblocking stuck energy so you become a magnet to money, love and clients.

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    Level 5: Action Healing

    Taking fearless, aligned action so that you bring your version of success into reality, fast

Let me show you the way to success mastery

Why hustle your way to success when you can heal your way there?

I can guarantee this is the most deeply profound transformational work you will ever do. You won’t come out as the same woman you came in

There are currently 3 ways of working with me to unlock your Success Mastery:


Personally tailored one-to-one healing mentorship for the Revolutionary Woman who wants to receive, achieve and hold higher levels of success in life, love and leadership. You want it all at the highest level and want to unlock it all at rapid speed. Through this inner and outer approach to Success Mastery, we will activate your potential to truly have it all. The millions. The love. The family. The global impact. The super-powered spiritual gifts. Application only.

Natasha Bray - Success Coach & Healer
Success Mastery School


In Success Mastery School® we turn the mystery of success into the mastery of success so that you can heal it all, have it all and hold it all at the highest level. Start your journey with our 7 month Uplevel Curriculum where you will unveil and heal your Success Saboteur Archetypes® and the Receiving Wounds® beneath them. Get ready to break through multiple income plateaus, crack your heart wide open to receiving and step into your next level of leadership.


Women from start up to 7 figures benefit from my self study success instant access unique courses, bundles and masterclasses. Business strategy like you've never seen it before, or as I like to call it, Healing Strategy. My clients often say they have had better results with these than thousands they have spent with others.

Natasha Leigh Bray Self Study
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