Success Saboteur Archetype Quiz on an ipad
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As Seen in The Independent, WalesOnline, Thrive, The Mirror, Medium, Metro

Playing small isn’t your style

You were put on this earth to transform lives in your own unique way — and you’re doing it! But you know you’re only scratching the surface of the powerful potential hiding within you.

While the success you’ve already achieved has given you a taste of what’s possible, you’re at a loss as to why you’re still sabotaging yourself in pursuit of more income, impact, and inner peace.

Maybe you’re second guessing every business decision you’ve made, you’ve been such at this income plateau for months and you’re scared to show up in a bigger way for your audience… If you resonate with how this feels, I totally understand. I felt like I was neglecting my loved ones, even my own health. Why? Because I was hustling so damn hard. Maybe you’re doing the same.

However you are sabotaging yourself right now, you’ve got more people to help, bigger dreams to reach, and a powerful legacy to leave, and you’re so ready to find a way to make it happen with ease.

The truth is, you don’t have to sacrifice and sabotage yourself for your life’s work. There’s a new way. And the answers don’t lie in another shiny business strategy or marketing tactic, they lie inside YOU.

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There’s a recipe for success mastery - and deeply and rapidly healing what’s holding you back is the magic ingredient

Your Ultimate Uplevel Awaits...

Success mastery means unlocking your “Ultimate Uplevel” and achieving success across ALL areas of your life. Financially. Emotionally. Spiritually. Because if you have success in one area and not in another, well, that’s not true success really is it?

The world needs the Unique Magic and gifts you were born with. But you’ll never be able to share them fully and reap the rewards until you silence your Success Saboteurs, and that requires profound transformational healing. Those saboteurs are voices in your head saying things like:

“You’re not good enough to compete with her.”

“You could make that decision, but what if it’s the wrong one?”

“You can’t possibly charge that, nobody will pay those prices!”

“What if you put your true self out there and people don’t like what they see?”


Helping you silence those Success Saboteurs so you can unleash your hidden potential, rapidly break through your next income ceiling, and unlock your Ultimate Uplevel is my life’s work, and it’s the most direct route to experiencing success in ALL areas of your life with ease.

Hello I'm Natasha Leigh Bray
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Hello I’m Natasha

Success Mastery Coach & Transformational Healer for high achievers and rising leaders who are brilliant at facilitating radical results for others but want to experience more radical results for themselves.

My soul-aligned clients want it all — the next-level income, the massive impact, and the liberating inner peace — and deep down they want to believe it’s possible, but *something* keeps stopping them from getting it.

They’ve usually already spent a fortune on coaches and done lots of inner work but still haven’t got to the root of their blocks. So if it feels like you’re pushing against an invisible wall every day and you want an expert intuitive guide who knows exactly how to break down that wall for good, you’re in the right place.

My pioneering approach to transformation coaching, Success Imprinting, involves a unique blend of psychological and spiritual tools to radically change yourself, your life, and your business in as little as 33 days — and if that sounds a bit like modern-day magic, that’s because it is. My clients tell me so!

Success Imprinting gets unrivalled results rapidly, and now it’s YOUR turn to transform and become the woman, the business owner, and the next-level leader you’ve always known you could be. Shall we get started?

Let me show you the way to success mastery

HeartHealing uses cutting edge, pioneering techniques inspired and evolved from proven scientific methods infused with spirituality through revolutionary and unique advanced ways of communicating with the soul and Higher self for a mind-heart-soul transformational experience that goes far beyond ‘mindset’.

Natasha Bray - Success Coach & Healer
Ultimate Uplevel Academy

A 8 month deeply transformational group experience where we will heal your Success Saboteurs and unlock your Ultimate Uplevel, uncover your hidden potential and make you magnetic to success and abundance, in all areas of your life. Get ready to magnetise more clients, break through plateaus and make more money with ease through Success Imprinting™, my version of modern day magic.


Women from start up to 7 figures benefit from my self study success instant access courses and masterclasses. If you want to deeply heal and make more money and more impact but are not yet ready for my group or 1:1 experiences, there is something here for you. Don’t be mistaken - these are still super powerful programmes. My clients often say they have had better results with these than thousands they have spent with others.

Natasha Leigh Bray Self Study
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